The Coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, most likely originated at a seafood market. It was thought that it could only spread from animals to humans but has since been determined that it is also contagious via human to human contact.
Currently, there are no cures or vaccines for this virus and if there eventually are, it would take years for them to be developed and cleared for safe use. Our travel vaccinations Vancouver cover other common illnesses, but not the Coronavirus.
What are the symptoms?
Symptoms for the Coronavirus include a sore throat, difficulty breathing, coughing and fever. Much like pneumonia, it affects the respiratory tract and could be especially dangerous for patients who already have illnesses affecting their breathing and lungs.
How can I protect myself, especially while travelling?
Wear a surgical mask over your mouth to keep yourself safe. When you wash your hands, thoroughly scrub them and wash for a minimum of 20 seconds. If you are coughing or sneezing, do so in the crook of your arm over your sleeve, or use a tissue. Always have hand sanitizer on you. Avoid animal markets, highly populated areas with sick people, or eating raw and uncooked fish. If your hands are unwashed, avoid touching your nose, eyes or mouth.
Where has it spread?
The Wuhan Coronavirus has swept all across China and all of Asia before arriving in the US and Canada. The disease has spread to 17 countries, one of which is Canada with 3 noted cases. Other countries include France, Germany, South Korea, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, Nepal, Finland, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Japan, Malaysia and many others.
If you suspect you have the Coronavirus or are experiencing similar symptoms, immediately contact a health care provider. Although there are no vaccinations for the Coronavirus, we can still provide you with travel vaccinations Vancouver to ensure a safe trip.
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