Spanning late February to mid-April, spring break is coming up and if you or your child is taking a trip abroad to celebrate, it’s important to know which travel vaccinations should be done or at least taken into consideration. You can find out which vaccines you need for your travel destination at our travel clinic Vancouver.


Travelling is a great way to unwind, however, in between being in a congested air-plane among other potentially sick people and exposure to foreign bacteria abroad, it can be unhealthy. As temperatures slowly begin to rise, we are at higher risk for certain diseases or contracting certain bacteria.

Plan Ahead

It’s important to plan ahead and give yourself at least 4-6 weeks before your travel date. Some vaccines require multiple shots with a few days or weeks in between and they take time to work. If you feel a little bit off the first day or run a fever, it’s important to have ample resting time at home.

Required Vaccines

A yellow fever vaccine may be necessary if you are travelling to certain parts of the world like Africa, South America. Before travel, it’s important to speak to your health provider about any existing health conditions you may have, get proper medical screening to ensure your health prior to travel and stock up on your medications.

Here is a list of the vaccinations required and recommended during Spring:
•Yellow Fever
•Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
•Japanese Encephalitis
•Hepatitis A & B
•Meningococcal Meningitis

After Your Return

Once you return from your trip, if you have any abnormal symptoms or are feeling unwell, book a consultation with your health care provider for an examination. It’s important to tell your doctor which country you were in, all of your symptoms and when they started, and what you did during your trip.

Get in touch with us at least a month and a half prior to your trip to speak to one of our healthcare providers at our travel clinic Vancouver. We can discuss your trip and the mandatory, as well as recommended travel vaccinations you or your child must get.