The holiday season is here and so is the time for holiday trips abroad. Whether you are travelling to visit friends and family, a significant other or for a business trip, its important to check with your local travel clinic Vancouver and double-check which vaccines are mandatory or encouraged for your place of travel.


Even if it is winter where you live, it’s summer in Australia and there are insects not native to North America everywhere, or warm in Brazil, where there are many diseases you can be exposed to and at risk for.


Tetanus vaccinations at our travel clinic Vancouver are normally recommended every 10 years, but it’s encouraged for travellers who regularly travel internationally, to get vaccinated if their last booster dose was 5 years ago or more. It’s found in the environment and you can get it through a deep cut or wound as it’s found in the soil, in dust, and manure, and can cause lockjaw if you are infected. It also gives travellers protection against diphtheria, which is a throat infection which can cause long-term whooping cough.


Typhoid is an illness passed through in countries where the sewage systems are poor like in South America, certain parts of Africa, South and Southeastern Asia, and the Caribbean. If you eat at an establishment where they practice poor hygiene, you can contract the potentially deadly disease. It’s passed through fecal matter if ingested even in a small microscopic amount.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is most prevalent in South America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. It affects the liver and can potentially cause liver failure. It’s an incredibly effective vaccine, offering excellent protection even from just one dose, although routinely it is administered in 2 doses 6 months apart by our travel clinic Vancouver.

If you would like to speak to our travel clinic Vancouver nurses and doctors, get in touch with us to get started.